2022 ALTER Conference

To watch the vidéo in International Signs, please right-click on the logos then "Display commands"

NEWS 07/04 : The booklet is available here  

NEWS 06/10 : Culture for all !

The 10th ALTER conference is also an opportunity to challenge our perceptions of disabilities through other channels, accessible to all.

As a pre-opening of the conference, we are pleased to invite you on Wednesday July 6 from 4:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. to an exceptional evening which will include two highlights.

On Friday 8 July at 2.30 p.m., researcher, activist and artist No Anger will present her performed conference « Quasimodo aux miroirs ».

Access to these moments is free and independent of participation in the conference, but requires registration here.


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Welcome to the 2022 ALTER Conference website! 

On July 7 and 8, 2022, University Saint-Louis - Brussels will have the honour and pleasure to host the 2022 ALTER Conference, under the title "Rethinking institutions and deinstitutionalisation from a disability perspective". This conference is set within the ARC AutonomiCap research project - which, as its acronym suggests, focuses on the intertwined notions of autonomy and disability. It is carried out by an organising committee including members of AutonomiCap and of the TIMH faculty.

You are a citizen interested in or concerned by the issues of disability and institution, including its reverse side: deinstitutionalisation? You are a professional working in the sector, in the field or in an office? You are a researcher in the humanities and social sciences and you are working on these issues? You have proposed a paper that has been accepted or you would like to attend the presentations as a member of the audience, participate in the discussions and attend the events? You are most welcome!

 ALTER 2022 Conference, it is notably:  

  • about a hundred papers selected by a scientific committee from among approximately 200 proposals, crossing numerous themes, from work to housing, education and mental health issues, and exploring the dimensions of disability and (de)institution(alisation), from the individual and collective experiences of stakeholders to historical and current conceptions of the institution;
  • an international event gathering researchers and experts from various backgrounds and disciplines, with French, English and Sign Language interpretation available in certain sessions;
  • 25 work sessions, 4 keynote speakers and a young author's prize;
  • a doctoral school for junior researchers working on these issues;
  • an open and inclusive event, thanks, among other things, to the interpretation of some sessions into International Signs, to the accessibility of the event's premises, and to an inclusive catering policy;
  • a showcase for stakeholders in the fields of disability and institution/deinstitutionalisation through participation in scientific communications and a poster exhibition;  
  • a cultural event with film screening and discussion, artistic performance and exhibition;  
  • a social event with convivial moments;
  • developments and surprises to be announced progressively during the upcoming months before the event!

To register, you must first create an account on the Sciencesconf platform if you do not already have one: https://alterconf2022.sciencesconf.org/user/createaccount.Once you are logged into the site, the registration form is accessible by clicking on "my registration", either on the home page or on the left-hand column, under "My Space". 

You will find on this website every info about the conference. Feel free to spread the information around you. 

 We look forward to seeing you on July 7 and 8, 2022 for the tenth edition of the ALTER Conference,
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 850754) and the support of the FNRS, Unia, AVIQ, Valérie Glatigny (Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, de l’Enseignement de la Promotion sociale, des Hôpitaux universitaires, de la Recherche scientifique de l’Aide à la jeunesse, des Maisons de justice, de la Jeunesse, des Sports et de la Promotion de Bruxelles), Karine Lalieux (Ministre des Pensions et de l’Intégration sociale, chargée des Personnes handicapées et de la Lutte contre la pauvreté), Alain Maron (Ministre de la Transition climatique, de l’Environnement, de l’Énergie, de la Propreté publique, de l’Action sociale et de la Santé), Brussels-Capital Region, the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, FONDATION ROGER DE SPOELBERCH, Fondation Delacroix, the National Loterry and with the support with the support of the Council for Cultural Policy of USL-B.
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